Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Redo Contracts

Proposals for the Redo project…

Professionals work by contract. A contract is an understanding for how the goods and services will be exchanged for payment.

It is important for us to have an understanding of what you are going to do and why you are going to do it. The redo project is an opportunity to right the wrongs in the past. This is a chance to use the skills you have now to fix yesterday’s mistakes.  So what you need to do is pick a project from your past.

Analyze what is wrong with your former picture.

Maybe you couldn’t draw like you do now.

Describe your motivation for redoing this project. If you were going to do the gig poster your sense of musical taste may have changed. For example, say you are no longer a fan of Nickleback. So you want to draw something for a band that that is much cooler.

So you will need to give a justification of what you are going to change and why you are going to do it.

Next, you will need to determine what your approach for the new project will be. Will you finger paint?


Will it be digital?

Questions to answer are: is this new approach to this idea appropriate? Does it communicate more effectively than before? Why is this the solution better?

Lastly, you need to clearly define what your goal is for this project. Unless your client (Mr. Ferrell cough… cough… cough) signs off on it then you are not hired to do the job. SO GET TO WORK!

Fear Factor

In order to gain success we have to push through our fears of failure. As an extended jumpstart we are to draw something we are afraid of. The reason is that as artists, we are creators, who are in control. Your fears can't harm you if you are creating a controlled environment for them. You can even make them silly. 

The point is that students are being taught that many of the things we feared when we were small we no longer fear because we learned to gain control of those things in our lives. Such as, if you fear the dark, when you get older you simply turn on the light switch. The light switch we are using in our classes is our minds.

In addition, art is communication. Communication tied to emotion can be more powerful. So we are also exploring how to tie emotion to our images. Please draw your image to be at least 5 by 7 inches.

These are due October 27th.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Final Digital Scratchboards due!

Friday October 20th your final digital Scratch boards are due!

Make sure your lines are clean.

Use your color wisely. 

Clean up your lines!

Composition is important!

Bring your best to the critique!

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Time to color those scratchboards!

Now those boards are done... we are going to digital add color.

We will approach this like every other digital painting we did last year. Remember your mother color or atmospheric tone. 

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Finish Scratchboard Test Sheets

Complete the following on your practice test sheets.

Once approved you may move on to your final... remember test everything on your practice sheet before you try to do it on your final.