Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Art Career

It's time. Time to get a job! You are going to select an art career and research it. By this Thursday, you should select a career and run it by Ferrell so you can work on what comes next...

You are going to write a paper that will cover in essay format the following...

  1. Define what that career is
  2. Elaborate on what an artist's job in that career entails
  3. Describe the life and work of 3 master artists in that field (each artists should get at least their own paragraph)
  • Name each artist and where they are from (time period...etc.)
  • Describe their work and why they are considered special
  • Give the reasons you selected each artist
4. Lastly, explain why you chose this career and how you feel it relates to your previous work

The bibliography will need to be in MLA format.

In addition, to the paper you will need to write a proposal that will have at least 5 projects to choose from. These projects will be based upon the research you do for your paper. These projects will be reviewed by Ferrell and refined to suit your needs. Keep in mind you will have to do these projects in a two week time frame. Ferrell will be your client and you will be the professional artist.